Oatmeal Fail..

Hey friends!

So, as many of you know, I have a fascination with oatmeal. It is my FAVOURITE. And sometimes, it seems like I have an oatmeal gift.

Uhhh, not this afternoon.

So, I lazed around my house for like four hours today before I got ready for a run of an unknown length. It turned out to be about 2 hours out total, with 30 minutes walking with my mom. I think alone, I covered 8 miles.. Which was tough. SUUUUPER tough. All hills.

Maybe if I was running in those hills, I wouldn

By the time I got back, I was apparently extremely dazed and confused. I created what I thought might taste like cake batter oats.. Oh, I was so, so wrong.

It looks so delicious.. It lies.

This oatmeal was a FAILURE. But, I was waaay too hungry to throw it out. It was a sad day.

..Then, everything got happy because my mom and I made low-lactose cheesecake with cottage cheese and greek yogurt instead of cream cheese and a GF gingerbread crust. It’s still cooling, but I have a feeling it will be delicious!

We also made the filling for homemade peppermint truffles. DELICIOUS. They will be assembled tomorrow (my birthday!!). Along with that, I plan on going horseback riding, baking other delicious things, cleaning out a goose pen (ughhh, farm life doesn’t stop even if you’re getting older), and.. Getting Starbucks? Lolz, my bday is gonna be pretty boring. My best friend isn’t home from college yet, and all of my college friends live faaaar away. But on Wednesday I have a birthday date with the best friend, which will include playing with her puppy for hours. My mom and I were going to go to the Smithsonian Natural History museum, but unfortunately we decided there was too much to get done on the farm before we leave for my relative’s on Thursday morning, so that date had to be canceled. 😦 Hopefully, we’ll go next week when we get back because I REALLY want to see their mineral collection.

Massive azurite (my fav minteral) in association with malachite.. So pretty.


Anyways, not that exciting of a day. But.. I may be participating in WIAW this week, with WIA(on my birthday!).. Wahoo!

How was your Monday? What are your favourite holiday things to bake? What are you most excited for in this holidaytime?

See ya soonish!


9 thoughts on “Oatmeal Fail..

  1. awww man that oatmeal looks so good! sorry it was a fail. this one time, i added wayyyy to much protein powder to some oats and it was disgusting. it tasted like chalky paste. i was scarred for a little. then i made some oatmeal with chocolate and peanut butter mixed in and that fixed everything real quick 🙂

  2. That’s too bad it doesn’t taste as great as it looks! I suppose trial and error is the only way sometimes! Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and an awesome B’day 🙂

  3. If you posted yesterday, that means today is your birthday… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hopefully your oats are epic today. Peppermint truffles and a healthier cheesecake sound delicious!! I like to bake muffins all the time, but during the holidays I usually bake more cookies. I can’t wait to see your WIA-on my birthday-W!

  4. That azurite is so pretty! No worries about being a nerd, I love that kinda stuff too heehee 😉
    Happy happy birthday my friend!! Hope your oats today will turn out super epic to make up for the other batch. Can’t wait to see your WIAW!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think a 2 hour run is the BEST way to celebrate!! And I guess you didn’t really get to have cake by eating those oats… 😦 it’s ok, every oatmeal genius like you must have their failures too!! haha. that cheesecake thing sounds AMAZING though so I think that’ll more than make up for it!! Please post the recipe?? 😀

  6. My most epic oat fails come with overnight oats. Are you a fan? I’m new to your blog so I’m not sure…but I feel like it’s a requirement to love them or something and I certainly don’t! 🙂

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